Peran Pemikiran Heuristik pada Hubungan Persepsi Sosial dengan Munculnya Sikap terhadap Ide Penegakkan Khilafah Islamiyah di Indonesia

Ros, Mayasari (2016) Peran Pemikiran Heuristik pada Hubungan Persepsi Sosial dengan Munculnya Sikap terhadap Ide Penegakkan Khilafah Islamiyah di Indonesia. Al-Ulum, 16 (2). pp. 387-411.

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The spread of the idea of application of Khilafah Islamiyah (Islamic Caliphate) emerges zealously over the last few years. This phenomenon occurs especially among the younger generation. Through a quantitative approach, this research examines the theoretical model of the relationship between the need to reject the uncertainty, the social perception of the reality of a society and democratic practices, bias heuristic thinking and the attitude towards the idea of the application of khilafah Islamiyah in Indonesia. Data processed by regression analysis with 245 respondents. Based on the test results of the regression analysis, theoretical models did not fit with the data. Researchers propose a new theoretical model that does not involve variable need of uncertainty avoidance. The ‘biasheuristic variable’thinkingprovestobe an alternativemediator variableintherelationshipbetweensocialperceptionofreality ofa society,and democraticemergenceandattitudestowardthe idea ofkhilafahIslamiyah.For furtherresearch,suggested usingSEManalysis.Researchersrecommendedtheneedtodevelop andconstructthecriticalthinkingamongtheyoungergeneration, sotheybecomemorecriticalinaddressingideastendtoberadical

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Attitudes; Perception; bias heuristic thinking; need of uncertainty avoidance; the Caliphate.
Subjects: Hukum Islam
Sosial dan Budaya Islam
Islam (Umum)
Depositing User: Aldhy Purwanto
Date Deposited: 27 Feb 2019 08:40
Last Modified: 27 Feb 2019 08:40

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