Diskursus Religiusitas Sang Kiyai

Zainal, AZ (2014) Diskursus Religiusitas Sang Kiyai. Shautut Tarbiyah, 31 (2). pp. 21-31. ISSN 2579-9754


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After Soeharto’s regime collapsed in 1998, the issue of religiousity increase very fast as well as the issue of democracy itself. Religious discourse is closely linked to religious knowledge. Discuss about knowledge could not be separated from the concept of Foucault on power and discourse. According to Michel Foucault, power is everywhere, diffused and embodied in discourse, knowledge and ‘regimes of truth’. The religious knowledge is coming from the power, which is produces religious discourse. This paper examines the discourse of religious leader, called the kiyai. In Indonesia after the Reform era, the sources of knowledge and authority are not the sole. The presence of a kiyai is just one source of religious authority in Indonesia. Religious authority lies on the charisma of a kiyai, which is coming from religious knowledge and ownership of the congregation a lot. The Authority further established by the patronage system make the power more stable. With the charisma, a kiyai build the power of religious knowledge and eventually produces religious discourse is more legitimated.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: religious authority, discourse, Michel Foucoult, kiyai
Subjects: Agama
Sosial dan Budaya Islam
Ilmu Sosial
Depositing User: asliyah zain .
Date Deposited: 06 May 2018 07:01
Last Modified: 06 May 2018 07:01
URI: http://digilib.iainkendari.ac.id/id/eprint/1156

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