The Reality of Arabic Learning Guidance in Indonesian Islamic Senior High Schools

St Kuraedah, . and Husain Insawan, . and Imelda Wahyuni, . (2018) The Reality of Arabic Learning Guidance in Indonesian Islamic Senior High Schools. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science.

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Abstract: This study emphasizes the reality of guidance the Arabic lesson conducted in Islamic senior high schools, which is one of the identifier lessons that distinguishes Madrasah Aliyah/Islamic senior high schools with the other senior high schools. This study is discussed by using descriptive qualitative approach, through the deep observation and interview, to describe and disclose the reality of guidance that provided on Arabic learning, which has the implications for the weakness of Arabic learning achievement of students in Madrasah Aliyah. Guidance the Arabic learning in Islamic senior high schools have not fully get the maximum attention of the parties concerned. The phenomenon can be seen for example from policy aspect; the regulation to oversee the achievement of learning goals in Arabic indicates a lack of seriousness. Some regulations are less favorable, the absence of special supervision on the implementation of Arabic learning, learning time allocation is inadequate and the lack of regular guidance for teachers of Arabic in the form of training workshops etc.Implementation of guidance the Arabic Learning in Madrasah Aliyah is the duty and responsibility of the Ministry of Religion. This guidance is more assigned explicitly to teachers of subjects and Supervisory madrasah in charge, but in fact the guidance has not been done as expected, partly because of the supervisor in charge of implementing the guidance in general recruited not by corresponding to subjects supervised that causing reluctance and lack of confidence in doing their duties. The implications posed is the Arabic teacher did not receive the guidance that can control and help to increase the professionalism in the execution of the task and then make the student achievement of Arabic learning has not demonstrated the encouraging results.

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Arabic Learning Guidance
Subjects: Komunikasi
Sosial dan Budaya Islam
Depositing User: Aldhy Purwanto
Date Deposited: 28 Feb 2019 02:53
Last Modified: 28 Feb 2019 02:53

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