Kontestasi dan Ko-Eksistensi Pesantren Di Sulawesi Tenggara

Asliah Zainal (2018) Kontestasi dan Ko-Eksistensi Pesantren Di Sulawesi Tenggara. EC00201857059.


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This study focused on three pesantren in Southeast Sulawesi based on three categories, namely the category of urban pesantren represented by Ummusshabri in Kendari City as well as a modern pesantren, rural pesantren represented by Raudhatul Jannah in West Muna Regency as a local boarding school, and pesantren transmigrants, AnnuurAzzubaidi in Konawe District, as an Islamic boarding school. Using a socio-religious-anthropological approach, this study found that the uniqueness and distinctiveness of Islamic boarding schools in Southeast Sulawesi included (a) the management system of pesantren that relied on outside educators, (b) strengthening kinship ties (emotional genealogical and intellectual) with chaplain in Java, (c) the leadership of the pesantren is not limited to the founding families of the pesantren, (d) maintains NU religious traditions and practices, (e) fosters community religiosity despite the lack of scientific capacity of pesantren and minimal funds, (f) one pesantren with various styles and religious understanding, (g) naming pesantren but the basic elements of the pesantren are not fulfilled, (h) the mention and appreciation are different between Javanese ustadz and local teachers. The main challenges in the establishment and development of Islamic boarding schools in Southeast Sulawesi are (a) the initial funding of establishment is independent funds or relying on assistance, (b) the number of santri who tend to be stagnant due to intense competition, (c) lack of availability of human resources, (d) response and public interest that is unfair to pesantren. However, studies of three pesantren loci in Southeast Sulawesi underscore the obscurity of categories among the classification of traditional pesantren and modern pesantren, where the dynamics of pesantren and the scientific spectrum have brought obscurity in the classification of pesantren whose boundaries are not very clear. Keywords: intellectual genealogy; kiyai; Islamic boarding school; santri

Item Type: Patent
Subjects: Agama
Sosial dan Budaya Islam
Depositing User: asliyah zain .
Date Deposited: 26 Mar 2019 09:17
Last Modified: 26 Mar 2019 09:17
URI: http://digilib.iainkendari.ac.id/id/eprint/1750

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